A verdict on the Brotherhood
I think one of the most interesting parts of Invisible Man is the Brotherhood, which is probably a direct allusion to the American Communist Party. I'm not completely certain whether Ellison is portraying them as a good or bad organization, because the narrator still sticks with them even as he's being shunted sideways and around Manhattan. We don't even get a lot of insight into the Brotherhood ideology which may or may not have changed my opinion on them. We only have a small set of interactions between the narrator and some of the members of the Brotherhood. I really dislike the Brotherhood. For a society that's based on the advancement of the human race, they have some pretty backwards ideas. As a piece of African American Literature that's dealing with racial issues I think Ellison is spot on with his portrayal and subsequent criticism of how the Brotherhood confronts race. They pretend they are thinking more rationally and scientifically by envisioning a wo...