How Ma is affected by Room
Two words: Room's wack. That being said, we get a lot of insight into Jack's thoughts and how he deals with transitioning from living in a eleven by eleven room for 5 years to the wide and open space of Outside. While it's obviously a difficult and perplexing transition for Jack, we can see glimpses of how difficult and traumatic the transition is for Ma. Most obviously, she freaks out at any door-related sounds: whenever a door is opened or shut without her knowing, it's clear that it's an unpleasant sound for her. It's clear that their both in the psychiatric hospital for a reason, and we can see Dr. Clay being very patient with them, expecting that they will need a long time to recover. Another problem that becomes obvious is "separation anxiety" that both Ma and Jack do and will face. When Ma gets defensive the first time the term is brought up, she says something along the lines of "Me and Jack will never be apart", which is a problem ...